
Allander Goes Green

Allander as part of The Tempus Group are passionate about preventing climate change and are passionate about preventing climate change and have partnered with Earthly to carbon off-set all our operations. Earthly provide nature-based solutions for fighting climate change. We believe it is important to not only off-setting carbon emissions but to go even further. That’s why we are not only off-setting our carbon to achieve a net-zero output! We are off-setting an additional 10% above our own carbon emissions to make a positive impact on the planet. Earthly have experts that help to calculate our carbon emission output as accurately as possible. At the beginning of our carbon off-setting journey, we filled in a form to answer questions on all thing’s emissions related. This spanned from the electricity and gas consumption in the office. To the means of transport that each person in the office uses.

So, why is this important for our clients? Our partnership with Earthly requires that we assess our carbon output on a yearly basis and we then offset all of our internal and external carbon emissions. That includes any work we complete for clients which means all completed client projects are carbon neutral. We are also able to offer additional carbon offsetting incentives to our clients. By coordinating with Earthly we can plant X number of trees for specific client projects. As the Tempus Group expands, we plan to be involved in more projects and ‘Tempus Island’ will grow further. Click here to find out more.